Take a look at this beautiful video about Kammoon enjoying her diner! Very interesting to see. ElephantsWorld wishes you happy holidays, A big elephants hug
Elephant research in Kanchanaburi

We work together with Mahidol University Kanchanaburi and Wild Life Hospital in Sayok. One of their students, Oraya Ketchaisti (21), came to ElephantsWorld to do research with our elephants. Oraya studies Conservation Biology at Mahidol University Kanchanaburi, and is excited for such an amazing experience here at ElephantsWorld. She will conduct this research for three […]
Songkran 5 years at ElephantsWorld

UPDATE: Songkran passed away February 27th, 2015. Today is a special day, 5 years ago a very exhausted elephant arrived at ElephantsWorld. And now, 5 years after receiving special care at our place, Songkran is in a much better shape. We wish Songkran can stay with us for a much longer time! Please look carefully […]