by Frank Felten – Mahout-Trainee at Elephantsworld in april 2016 As a child I always most enjoyed to be in nature and play with my dog. I love animals in general, watching them, connecting with them and learning from them makes me happy and grateful. Later as an adult I figured out for myself that […]
How much does an elephant eat in a day?
Take a look at this beautiful video about Kammoon enjoying her diner! Very interesting to see. ElephantsWorld wishes you happy holidays, A big elephants hug
Aerial photos from ElephantsWorld

We received some very nice aerial photos taken from a drone of ElephantsWorld and our elephants. Many thanks to Niels van der Hart for making the photos.
ElephantsWorld in AirAsia inflight magazine
Certificate of Excellence 2015 from TripAdvisor

Today we received we received our 4th Certificate of Excellence from TripAdvisor, many thanks to all our visitors for writing the reviews.
Thai New Year ceremony

Uncle, our most important member of the ElephantsWorld family, invited the volunteers for a special Songkran (Thai New Year) ceremony. Now we’re blessed for this year! Thank you so much! More background information about the Thai new year at the Wikipedia Songkran page.
Elephant research in Kanchanaburi

We work together with Mahidol University Kanchanaburi and Wild Life Hospital in Sayok. One of their students, Oraya Ketchaisti (21), came to ElephantsWorld to do research with our elephants. Oraya studies Conservation Biology at Mahidol University Kanchanaburi, and is excited for such an amazing experience here at ElephantsWorld. She will conduct this research for three […]
Newsletter January & February 2015

Our newsletter with the latest news and updates for January and February 2015 from ElephantsWorld. Enjoy reading them!
Thai national elephant day 2015

Sabai Chang Thai! On March 13th, the office of the governor of Kanchanaburi opened the National Thai Elephants Day with a speech. The elephants received a lovely necklace and the day could begin! We celebrated the National Thai Elephant Day today here at ElephantsWorld. We and especially our elephants had a wonderful day! They had […]